Activity for kids, parenting problems

Reason of having thrush in babies | Do’s and Don’t

It looks like curd or cottage cheese on the tongue, mouth, and under cheeks.  It is caused by the overgrowth of the candida albicans fungus. It can occur anywhere on the body, including your breasts and nipples. If Candida is present on your nipples during breastfeeding, the fungus then transmits to your baby and is also caused when the feeding bottle isn’t sterilizedasterilizedain y. These growths occur because of having a weaker immune system. Mostly it occurs in babies because their immune system is not as strong as compared to adults. This overgrowth of fungus is balanced by good bacteria which are already present in the mouth. If overgrowth occurs continuously it will kill good bacteria. If it rubs off easily it means it is milk deposits,  if not it means it is thrush.


*Babies do not take interest in feeding.
*Difficulty in swallowing.
*Pain inside the mouth.
* Feeling cottony tongue or mouth in babies.
* Breastfeeding mothers have redness and cracks in their nipples.
* Appearing redness and whiteness in tongue and mouth.

* Sterilize the feeding bottle every time.
* Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor for yeast infection.
* Regular intake of yogurt rich in lactobacilli bacteria, which are the ‘good’ bacteria, will help the body to regain its equilibrium and remain at its optimum levels.
*Ask your doctor before giving any probiotic supplement to your baby.
* Gently clean your baby’s tongue weekly with a wet cleaned cloth with the help of an index finger and you can also use tongue cleaner.
* Apply antifungal medicine in the affected areas as prescribed by your doctor.
* Use good quality feeding bottles. It should be BPA-free, steel, and silicon-based, steel one.
*Should maintain hygiene.

* Don’t rub white patches forcefully, it will harm your child.
* Don’t give any medicine to your baby without a doctor’s prescription.
* Avoid the low qualities of feeding bottles.
*Don’t put your fingers in your baby’s mouth without washing your hands.
* Don’t delay in taking consult with your doctor

After treatment of thrush, it will diminish in 6 or 10 days. Always remember do’s to prevent your baby from thrush.

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